"Hey, are you the Baptist minister?" The old man in the white pick-up stopped in the street in front of my church yesterday and asked me that question as I walked down the sidewalk. I wasn't sure whether to answer him or start running. Feeling like a trapped criminal, I fessed up and claimed ownership of my nefarious profession.
"I've been looking for you," he said, "We need to talk." I was starting to wish I had said I was the Presbyterian pastor.
The man pulled to the curb and introduced himself as Bill. Then he asked the last question I would ever expect. "How can I understand the Bible? I keep trying to read it but it makes no sense. Can you help me?" The tears in his eyes confirmed his sincerity.
It turns out God has been working in Bill's life, big time. I found out one of the men from our church had invited Bill to come and worship with him. This invitation, combined with Bill's desire to read the Bible, has led Bill to believe that just maybe God has a plan and purpose for his life.
I asked Bill to let me think about his question. I told him I'd gather up some resources that might help him. I told him I'd be in touch, that we would talk about the Bible together. And then I invited him to worship.
We shook hands and Bill the Seeker drove off. As I resumed my journey down the sidewalk I prayed. I asked God to continue to his pursuit of Bill. The Lord is a passionate Lover of the lost. God is pursuing Bill. Bill is seeking God. Bill's going to be just fine...forever.